Wednesday, June 29, 2011

The Sights That Have Made Me Go, Hmmm......

I've come across some interesting sights in the two weeks I've been here. My new surroundings have made me appreciate the life I lead in the States. It's a different world!!

The Sights That Have Made Me Go, Hmmm......

My Photo1

My Photo2

My Photo3

My Photo4

My Photo5

My Photo6

#1 - Main street in one of the neighboring villages
#2 - Pregnant street pig roaming around
#3 - One village's version of a water pump
#4 - Housing in a second village we visited
#5 - Rickshaws (the car) are everywhere
#6 - Can't go anywhere without seeing these thin cows

Yours in total appreciation.

Saturday, June 25, 2011

Aren't They Cute!!

Yesterday, we visited one of the schools that the organization, CRHP, has established. It is for the poor children of the village so they can learn English early.  They learn the necessary skills to prepare for the next grade such as discipline, organization,  social skills and  many more. The learning process is through playing! so much Fun!!

Aren't they cute?!

Video One:

Video Two:

I'll be taking and posting videos when I can. They say, "a picture is worth a thousand words," maybe video is too :)

For video updates, subscribe to:
My YouTube Channel

Be well. TTYS!

Friday, June 24, 2011

The Breakfast Of Champions

I've been trying to get used to the food here but finding it a bit difficult. Since I've been here, I just have a boiled egg and banana to get my day started. The rice is spicy!

The Breakfast Of Champions:

Getting Acclimated

We went on our first visit to the villages!! It was such an eye opening experience. Villagers were so friendly and welcoming.  Language barrier be damned, we had great conversations with them! Some gave us a tour of their homes while others told us about their children levying the village in order to travel to school in Pune.

It was amazing for me to see that no matter what they had or did not have they were happy and they expressed it. They lived their lives in a manner necessary to maintain a good productive lifestyle. The women were constantly working. To my surprise, although they lived in a poor village some homes had a satellite dish and TV!

The school children were so jovial! They are apparently used to receiving visitors. They harassed us for a "foto" and wanted to examine each picture afterwards. Surprisingly, some of the children were familiar with some English words. Hopefully, with the help of our daily language class, I will soon be able to carry on basic conversation in Marathi.

While I'm still getting acquainted with my surroundings, I took a walk into town yesterday to buy some fabric. A tailor is supposed to take our measurements to make my saree/sari.

It was sort of like and organized mess (reminded me of my closet lol)!! A swarm of blue and white children's uniforms running around and screaming since school had just let out. The cacophony also included honking cars,  motorcycles, mopeds, and the three wheeled cars. Where ever the merchants found space they set up shop for their goods. This is where it gets organized. The fruit merchants were together, bracelets and saris in one area and if needed you could still go into the little shops on each side of the street. We went into this three to four story building. It had a large variety of fabric, saris, and other items of clothing. Each floor was totally saturated with workers or people were just spending their day there. A group of us arrived at a messy counter and had the employees pull out every type of fabric they had - all different colors and patterns. We sensed they were getting a bit overwhelmed and inpatient when we couldn't make up our minds. So it goes... this is the market! It's just what you do - search for the best product for the best price! Another floor above carried and sold saris. We had to remove our shoes since there were mats arranged everywhere. You remove your shoes and basically sit with the merchant of your choice while he/she surrounds you with all these beautiful patterns and colors. The choices are so overwhelming! Side note: Lol, I'm so thankful for bringing a pumus stone! I can't count how many times we have to remove our shoes to walk into a room!

Walking back we stopped and purchased some mangoes to possibly make some shakes. On the walk, I located an eyebrow threading place! This is my top discoveries for the day! When it comes to my eye brows, I have placed my trust in one lady for the last 14 years. Yes, I confess, there have been in between but the results have always ben the same - dissatisfaction and frustration. I'm in INDIA!! So I'm seriously considering getting my eyebrows threaded while I'm here. Live a little. Why not?!? I'll keep you posted.

Monday, June 20, 2011

Crossing Over and Safe Arrival in India

So as a woman, of course I packed way too much! First goal was to only bring one suitcase and a carry-on. My bag was definitely over the 50lb limit (88lbs *head hung low*) the teller at the airport could not stop laughing! I had to remind them that I'm going for two months! A lady needs her stuff. Nonetheless, I purchased an overpriced duffel at the airport to separate my stuff.

The flights were pretty long. I slept through every time they were going around to take meal orders. My meals were all defaulted to vegetarian. LOL... so far so good, let's see how long I can keep this vegetarian thing up. They gave this snack on the plane that didn't quite go well with my taste buds...sort of like spicy noodles? Not my favorite! 

I'm In India!! Wow!

What a long journey to Jamkhed! JFK to London then London to Mumbai. The security is serious here on this side if the world! The US has nothing to complain about. I actually saw someone who had been tasered down by security. From Mumbai a car service met us at the airport to take us to Pune to then meet a CRHP representative to drive us to Jamkhed.

Everyone is pretty friendly so far. On the five hour drive to Pune from Mumbai the driver stopped next to another car (we got a little nervous since it was in the middle of the night) but it was so the other passengers could get into another car since we were going to different locations. From Pune, we met a the CRHP rep driving an Izuzu trooper in front of the Samrat Hotel. The driver was nice and we pulled over to have a light snack - some "tea." I probably had the best Chai tea I've ever had!

We arrived into Jamkhed at 7am the next morning just in time for class! Yes, class. I can express how tired I am but I think the endorphins have taken over. I am just so excited to be here the fatigue is taing a baack seat at this time. I am looking forward to coming back to my room and resting my head...

Talk to you soon.

Saturday, June 18, 2011

For She's a Jolly Good Fellow

Last week, we gathered to celebrate and toast my cousin @PapparazziNady ("Nady") as she is going on a two month medical mission in India. The surprise, organized by her younger sister @Entelijan, was a great success. The Indian themed evening was simply perfect - culture, food, drink and great conversation. Who could ask for anything more?

Our honoree, Nady, was completely surprised and shocked to see the intimate group that had gathered to celebrate her success. She had absolutely no clue which made the surprise doubly enjoyable.

A bit of Indian culture was represented throughout the evening and especially in the decor. A Sari pattern was used to decorate various areas of the house. Upon the guest of honor's arrival, we were able to use pieces of the gorgeous fabric to make our own personal fashion statements. Some used their sari fabric as scarves, head wraps, belts and, oh yes, even bracelets. Nady and I wore ours as scarves.

As always, it's great to spend time with family and friends. It was especially entertaining spending time with her friends the lovely ladies of @HPDL. They are such a fun group and interesting conversationalists. For these tight groups to have kept the party tightly under wraps must have been so difficult. I know it was for me.

 It was an awesome evening filled with so much fun and laughter.  A celebration for a wonderful person truly deserving of only the best. While we will miss you terribly we are proud of you, Nady! Best of luck and best wishes for success in India. Show 'em what you've got!

Guest Post by: @Melis_B

Friday, June 17, 2011

Social Media in India... How To Find Me

I've been reading an article regarding the social media developments in India. I am happy to report that they are on an upswing with a rise in twitter usage.

Coming from the States, I am already starting to see how privileged and fortunate we are. I can't image two months without social media or the use of social networking. I'll be connecting as often as possible at local Internet Cafes. It's going to be an adjustment but I'm ready and excited for it.  

Don't forget about me friends and family. Give me a shout out. I'll be checking as I can.

Just in case... lol, here are my links:


Be well!

Thursday, June 16, 2011

Hello and Welcome

Howdy! Welcome to my little space in the blogisphere. It's the place where you will find all of my musings as I spend the next two months in Jamkhed, India. I plan to tell you of my teaching adventures, the people, the culture, the food, and any other interesting tid-bits I come across on my journey. I hope you enjoy the ride!

xoxo Na'Dege