Wednesday, July 6, 2011

Reflection On What I Have Learned Thus Far

CRHP has planted a seed in me regarding community health based work. Community health was not really introduced to me until I took the Global Health course at Mount Sinai. I am seeing, first hand, the benefits of Community Health Programs during my stay here in India.

Coming from a developing country, Haiti, I completely understand the need and necessity for programs like CRHP. Such programs help the poor and marginalized to progress and develop on their own.

Other than the well known anthropologist, Paul Farmer, I have not heard of individuals doing this type of Global work in flew eloping nations and succeeding. I am completely sure that there have been NGOs that have attempted to do some work in various regions of Haiti and India; the problem is that many come for a few months then pack up and leave. They leave with their supplies and knowledge, thus leaving impoverished residents with nothing - incomplete interventions or projects. The common denominator in each case/country is lacking. The missing and most important ingredient is compassion. NGOs first need to understand the lives of the people and villages where they are based. Strategic planning coupled with knowledge and observation are essential to growth/progress for all those involved.

My coursework and personal experience thus far, have left me thinking about the subject matter in a more critical manner. There's true benefit to hands on experience!

Food for thought...

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for sharing your experience with us. I am happy to read your blog because it's showing me a side of you that I didn't know much about before. It's great!!! xx
